Super Xiao Ma is a self-taught artist with a focus on abstract painting, drawing, sculpture and street art.
Since a young age, the visual artist has been involved in art making and was nurtured throughout childhood to harness creative energy by observing a number of contemporary masters at work in their studios. In the late 90's, this passion was further honed whence delving into London's Street Art scene.
After graduating from Aston University, there was something burning inside that needed to be expressed, and channelled in daily life. Therefore, the creation of art began once again.
Duncan adopted the nom de plume 'Super Xiao Ma' when travelling around China.
"The art I create is done so in the spirit of communicating a reaction to the environment around me.
Through exposing myself to unfamiliar situations, cultures and traditions, my processes result in works of angst, bewilderment, euphoria or passion.
Interpretation of these pieces is something, rather than to be described by myself, I invite others to engage in.
I humbly offer to the viewer my gift of being both a sensitive and watchful"
Super Xiao Ma (2017) '18 Days' show, Bristol, UK
"Though there are affinities between Duncan's work and his father's mass images, Duncan has begun to explore bright abstractions, calligraphic lines of paint by chance and nature's changing course...
But rather than just caring about the idea of 'style' his travels by brush through half-imagined landscapes are bright and undreamed-of: valleys of fast-flowing indigo and pale blues, peaks and planets of Gamboge yellow, vermilion and mauve are just the beginnings of an exploration which must not be inhibited but encouraged and supported in every possible way."
Ivor Davies MBE (2021) 'Hills Again' series.
"Duncan Culley: Is the finest contemporary artist of his generation working in the UK.
I see influences from Basquiat to Van Gogh present in his work & a sense of magic,
that is completely ethereal, that is his genius alone. He will be a huge art star,
once the public becomes familiar with his art."- Jack Armstrong, American Artist - http://jackarmstrongartist.com/